Serving the states of:
Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri,
New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Color and Markings
(Farbe und Abzeichen)
The dogs color and markings must be described on the registration form. Permissible colors are:
Brown (liver) with no markings.
Brown with a few white or ticked markings on chest and legs.
Dark brown ticked with brown head, brown markings or spots. The basic color of such a dog is not white with brown or brown with white, but the markings are so intimately mixed brown and white to cause the unobstructive look so valuable for the practical use. The insides of the legs and the tip of the tail are often a lighter color. The color of the head is usually brown, but sometimes with a ticked nose, ticked forehead middle, and jowls.
Light brown ticked with brown head, brown markings or spots. In this coloring the white color predominates, making the dog appear lighter.
White with brown head markings, brown markings, or spots.
Black in the same shades as brown and brown ticked. A yellow tinge for lighter areas is permissible.
The following abbreviations are to be used for registration:
Braun (brown) br.
Dunkelbraunschimmel (dark brown ticked) Dbrschl.
Brunschimmel (brown ticked) -Brschl.
Hellshcimmel (white ticked) -Hschl.
Schwarzschimel (black ticked) -Schwschl.
Mit braunem Kopf (with brown head) -m. br. K.
Blesse (mark on forehead) -Bl.
Brust (chest) -Br.
Brustfleck (chest marking) -Brfl.
Bruststrich (line on chest) -Brst.
eine Platte (one patch) -Pl.
mehrere Platten (several patches) -Pin.</td>
Ruecken (back) -Rck.
Rute (tail) -Rt.
Techniques for Hip Dysplasia Examination for the Deutsch Kurzhaar Verband
(Technik der HD-Untersuchung fuer Deutsch Kurzhaar)
X-Ray picture should be 30cm x 40cm (approximately 12 x 16 inches) Back limbs should be extended and turned inward with the feet held 20cm to 25cm apart. (7 1/2 x 10 inches) The complete pelvis area along with both sides of the thigh to the knee joints must be shown on the X-Ray.
The following information must be included on the X-Ray:
Registered name of the dog
Date of birth
Tattoo number found in the right ear (should be the same number as is on the certified pedigree)
The X-Ray and pedigree along with a processing fee of $50.00 is to be sent to: Jeff English, DVM.
Dr. Albert Lemmer, the Breed Warden for the Deutsch Kurzhaar Verband will not accept OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) certificates dated after October 1, 1993.