The Mid-South Region
of the
Serving the states of:
Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri,
New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
2007 Spring Zuchtschau
Adult Females
Fine von der Madlage, V, Asta vom Adlerberg, SG, Annadarko von der roten Erde, SG, Afton von der roten Erde, SG.
Judge: Rob Engleking
Patrick Taylor dons a S.E.G. after receiving his Prize 1 handling Jette vom Borsumer Hof. They also earned an Andreas Star and LN titles.
The judges were, Chuck Davis, Ken Willis, Rob Engelking & Todd Waite.
Harry Lopez with Devon vom Riverwoods AKA. Rain
Rain received a Prize 1 in the Derby and earned an Andreas Star, LN & HN titles. He wasn't able to be judged in conformation due to breeder conflicts.
Pictured above:
Afton von der roten Erde, Asta vom Adlerberg, Asher von der roten Erde
Earned an LN & HN

2007 Spring Zuchtschau
Adolescent Females
Klara vom Geestmoor, SG, Zasha vom Riverwoods, NA, Jette vom Borsumer Hof, SG
Judge: Rob Engleking
The three Judges at the '06 Fall test, from left to right standing, Willy Engleking, Rich Dobey & Rob Engleking, with the blood tracking dogs and handlers, L to R, Kriss Hill & Cody & Gayla Salvati with Fine. Both dogs completed the task! Furthermore Gayla and Fine completed the "Totverweisen", making her the second dog in the United States to tackle this task! CONGRATULATIONS!
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